Logitech Create for the 9.7 Inch iPad Pro

Logitech just released a Create keyboard case for the 9.7 inch iPad Pro.  The Create was first released for the larger iPad Pro 12.9 inch version.

Similar to the first release, the Create has a lot of features specifically created for iOS.   There are shortcut keys which let you change volume, language and switch between apps.

The Create maximizes the use of the iPad Pro's smart connector, once you switch the keyboard to typing mode, the keyboard and the smart connector on the iPad Pro come into contact.  The Create will get it's power from the iPad Pro.  No need to pair Bluetooth since the smart connector also handles the data between the keyboard and the iPad Pro.

A cool feature of the Create is the backlit keyboard with adjustable light levels so you can control how bright the keyboard will be.  The Create also has a power saving mode, after 8 seconds of inactivity, the keyboard will automatically go into sleep mode, saving the power of the iPad Pro.

Since the Create was created for the iPad Pro, it has a holder specifically for the Apple Pencil, the case also has a specific angle specially designed for drawing on the iPad Pro.

The Create protects both the front and the back of the iPad Pro and is available in 2 colors, black and blue.

The Create is available for order now from Logitech's website and costs $129.99.


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